Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Public Safety Update/Summary of Incidents/Nov 5 – Nov 11, 2012

Public Safety Update/Summary of Incidents/Nov 5 – Nov 11, 2012
Nov. 5; 5:23 pm: Public Safety staff was contacted by a student reporting harassment by
name calling from an unknown subject near the “A” building. The incident started when
the student told the subject she did not have a light for him. No further information is
Nov. 7; 5:40 pm: Public Safety staff was contacted regarding the theft of a cell phone
from an unsecured office in the Gym. No further information is available.
Nov. 8; 3:20 pm: Public Safety was contacted by a student regarding a verbal altercation
with an unknown male that took place the prior evening in the gym. No further
information is available at this time.
Nov. 8; 4:55 pm: Public Safety was contacted anonymously regarding an injured
person in the library. The injured student was contacted and it was determined that
he had a minor abrasion to his head and was intoxicated. The incident was referred to
administration for review/action.
Three medical incidents were reported to Safety this week. Two of the incidents required
emergency transport.
One non-injury accident was reported this week.
Breatheeasy: A reminder that the District policy on tobacco products on campus
is in effect now. Please visit the District website for information. The Public Safety
Department appreciates your cooperation regarding this policy.
Safety: Safety on our PC Campus is all of our concern and responsibility as involved
community partners. If you see activity that appears suspicious and/or destructive, call
Public Safety to report it: give the location, type of activity and descriptions of those
involved if possible. They may be committing a crime or just need assistance that we can
help with. The Safety Office phone is staffed 24/7. The number is 602-285-7254.
NOTE: Faculty members are encouraged to share the safety updates with their students.
End of update.

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