Public Safety Update/Summary of Incidents/April 14 – April 20, 2013
April 15; 10:00 am: Public Safety was contacted by staff regarding the theft of a web cam from a desk at PCDT. No further information is available at this time.
April 16; 11:00 am: Public Safety was contacted by a student regarding the theft of a bicycle tire from his bike locked at the bike rack near the cafeteria. No further information is available at this time.
April 18; 12:00 pm: Public Safety was contacted by staff regarding the theft of a calculator. The calculator was recovered from a student and returned. No prosecution was desired. Incident was forwarded for administrative review/action.
April 18; 2:20 pm: Public Safety was contacted reference a possible stalking involving a student. The subject was contacted by campus police and advised of the laws involved. Incident forwarded to administration for review/action.
Three medical incidents were reported this week. One required emergency transport.
One motor vehicle accident was reported during this time period.
Information: Public Safety continues to receive complaints throughout campus regarding parking violations. Vehicles parked improperly, to include at painted curbs indicating “No Parking”, will be cited.
Safety: Safety on our PC Campus is all of our concern and responsibility as involved community partners. If you see activity that appears suspicious and/or destructive, call Public Safety to report it: give the location, type of activity and descriptions of those involved if possible. They may be committing a crime or just need assistance that we can help with. The Safety Office phone is staffed 24/7. The number is 602-285-7254.
NOTE: Faculty members are encouraged to share the safety updates with their students.
End of update.
End of update.